Jul 10, 2019


Everyone LOVES it right? Except it’s always so sweet and full of crappy ingredients. So why not make an equally delicious and healthier recipe? I literally got my melanger just to make this! I played a lot with Nutella recipes and I always felt that they where grainy and not smooth like the real product. Which is why you need this machine. Now stay with me because it has gotten great reviews and is my most commented appliance (after Thermomix). Hey I even got guys commenting on my Instagram stories asking me for this recipe. 

What to make with this killer nutella? Dip your chocolate chip cookies in it, decorate your donuts with this (just warm it in the microwave a bit). Spread it on toast, eat it by the spoonful, drizzle it on pancakes or on my brownies or vegan cake

Thanks to Chocolate Refiners for my melanger which I am madly deeply in love with.  

Why is this recipe amazing?

  1. It’s smooth (not grainy) please note you DO need to have both appliances (the Thermomix alone will not make this as smooth as it is)
  2. It’s low in sugar, so you can really taste the great chocolate and hazelnuts
  3. It is vegan and all ingredients are simple and clean
  4. It is really easy
  5. It has so many applications

If you make this recipe please share and tag me on Instagram @chefvanessamusi so I can share your creations on my Instagram stories.


Prep time: 15
Cook time: 15
Total time: 30 mins
Serves: 1 cup

Best nutella, smooth, creamy, easy to make, simple ingredients. A great recipe! Feel free to double, triple or quadruple the recipe. This is a vegan, gluten free recipe. It makes a great foodie gift.


  • ½ cup hazelnuts
  • ¼ cup cocoa nibs Santa Barbara Chocolate or Dandelion or Valrhona
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar or maple sugar (adjust sweeteners to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons Lakanto Golden Monk Fruit or cane sugar or sweetener or sub for more coconut sugar (sugars must be ground)
  • 1 pinch Maldon salt
  • 1 large pinch vanilla powder


  1. Peel hazelnuts: preheat oven to 350 F (170 C). Put hazelnuts on a baking tray with a Silpat and bake until the skins crackle and pop and the hazelnuts are golden. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Process the hazelnuts until a flour is formed in a Thermomix. Put all the ingredients in the refiner until smooth, make sure the paste is fluid and smooth. Check the taste and adjust sweetness as needed. Store in a sterilized Mason jar. Keep in a cool and dry pantry for about 6 months. Note: it will set as it cools, to use bring to room temp or warm lightly in the microwave.


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